Nothing can fully prepare you for the death of a loved one but the undertakers with Benalla funeral directors NJ Todd Funeral Directors have gathered information to at least guide you through the general processes and formalities that occur in the first 24 hours following a death.
This guide addresses a wide range of issues, from who to contact following a bereavement, right through to funeral arrangements in Benalla or other areas covered by our funeral home, including Euroa, Chiltern and Mansfield districts.
NJ Todd, undertakers in Benalla, Chiltern, Euroa and Mansfield
The initial 12 to 24 hours after death
The initial 12 to 24 hours after somebody has died can be demanding and difficult, and many people struggle as they wonder what to do and who to contact.
Here is NJ Todd Funeral Directors’ short guide to what should happen, what you should do and who you should to talk to following a death.
- Call an ambulance immediately. This is crucial because paramedics might be able to resuscitate the person. If the person cannot be resuscitated ambulance staff can confirm death. It is not necessary to call an ambulance if a person has died in hospital.
- Following confirmation of death, call the deceased person’s doctor. It is necessary to call a doctor for the completion of a death certificate. If you are unable to contact the doctor, call Benalla Health or your relevant hospital and staff at the hospital will advise you on the next steps for acquiring a death certificate. Please understand that our funeral directors in Benalla and district are unable to proceed with funeral arrangements until a death certificate is completed.
When a person has died in a hospital the hospital will perform many of the steps involved with the death certificate. NJ Todd’s undertakers can start work on funeral arrangements once the death certificate is issued. If the person has died in an aged care facility or private hospital which does not have a mortuary the aged care centre or hospital might contact NJ Todd Funeral Directors and organise for our undertakers to transfer the body to our funeral parlour’s mortuary. - The death certificate is necessary for registration of a death, and the certificate must be signed by the doctor who confirmed the death. Once the death certificate bears the doctor’s signature it is lodged with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. NJ Todd’s funeral directors are able to register the death on your behalf if required and will also arrange for you to obtain a certified copy of the deceased’s death certificate. The certified copy is legally recognised proof of death and beneficial when liaising with solicitors, banks and other authorities on the deceased’s behalf. Please be aware that while death certificates generally take about three weeks to process, a certificate can take months to become available should the death involve an autopsy or coronial inquest.
- The coroner becomes involved in any death involving certain circumstances, including:
The death is suspicious or involves suicide, homicide, poison or drug overdose.
An accident or fire caused the death.
The person died at work.
The death was unexpected and occurred in a nursing home or a hospital.
The person died while living in a government institution.
The person died in a public place.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is suspected.
The death necessitated a post-mortem examination.
The deceased had not visited a doctor in the previous three months.
NJ Todd have been funeral directors in Benalla and district for almost a century and have generations of experience helping families with funeral arrangements across north-east Victoria, including funerals in Mansfield, Euroa and Chiltern districts.
If you have any questions about what to do when somebody dies, or have questions about our funeral homes in Benalla or our funerals in Chiltern, Mansfield and Euroa districts, please contact us online today or call (03) 5762 2461.