Corry – Ian Alfred Ross

Born on February 11, 1964. Passed away January 31, 2025.

11th February 1964 .. passed 31st January 2025.

Son of Ida and Ross Corry (deceased).

Half brother to Peter Devery( deceased) and Jennifer Cunnington and their families.




Funeral Notice
Benalla Lawn Cemetery Cemetery Road, Benalla VIC, Australia
The Funeral of Mr Ian Alfred Ross Corry will be held at the Benalla Lawn Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Benalla on Monday 10th February, 2025 commencing at 11.00 am. A video recording of the service will be available on the N J Todd Website from 4.00 pm on Monday.  
  1. Dear Ian I am so very glad that I had some time with you before you become unwell. I know you are in Heaven now. Sending my love to you and all family much love. From myself to all family until we meet again. God Bless you and all family. I know dear Peter and your parents will great you in Heaven.
    Much love from Sister-in-law Catharine and family.

    Catharine Rhodes (Sister-in-law) February 8, 2025
  2. Feeling so grateful that I had some time with dear Ian before he became more in need of care. God Bless dear Ian with all your loved ones. Until we meet again much love from myself and that will miss you. From Sister in law Catharine.

    Catharine Rhodes February 9, 2025