Robinson – William Maxwell (Max)

Born on September 22, 1939. Passed away November 12, 2022.

Passed away peacefully at Benalla Hospital after a short illness
Aged 83 Years.
Loved Husband and Soul Mate of Tina (Married 34 Years).
“A wonderful Husband, honest, caring and a gentle man”

As per Max’s wishes, private family funeral service to be held.

BENALLA 0357622461
EUROA 1800 352 425

Funeral Notice
  1. To Dear Tina.
    Sincere condolence to you on the passing of Dear Max.
    My thoughts & wishes are with you.
    Stay strong in the arms of Jesus.
    Love to you 🤍🌹

    Donna Wards November 15, 2022
  2. We are happy because we know you in this lifetime. Thank you Daddy for being a good husband to Mommy Tina.

    Melanie November 26, 2022
  3. To Ate Tina,
    Be strong and be courageous because God is with you.
    He never leave you nor forsake you though Sir Max is now ib the hands of God you have papa God who is with you always. I love you Te.

    Vicky Lagroma November 26, 2022
  4. Manang Tina, our deepest condolence. Even if we are miles away but our love and prayers are with you. We love you Nang.

    Luisa Balo November 26, 2022
  5. May your soul rest in peace. You will never be forgoten

    Maria Rollen Degamo November 26, 2022
  6. Mommy Tina,

    It’s never easy to say goodbye to a loved one. May the love that is all around you and your memories of Daddy Max bring you peace and comfort in this difficult time. His spirit will take care of you from heaven.

    Cry unto the Lord and he will see you through.

    Our sincere condolences.

    Garcia Family November 26, 2022